I feel like I should be "nesting" right now (even though that word bothers me some..) but I'm not I 'm at my stopping point until theres some indication of when this will actually happen, I'm not packing, cleaning or organizing anything else, I just don't feel like it. Its unfortunate that I lost the excitement I had just a few weeks ago to something beyond my control apparently, lest I say stochastic. The statistics are rather impressive, that a full term baby can turn from a vertex (low lying) position to breech and then turn back (unassisted) within one week. Also, the statistics for a successful ECV are also impressive but not as much as the former, ECV has about a 58 percent success rate in turning breech babies and a 90 percent success rate if the baby is in a transverse lie, so for me especially, the silver lining is that apparently baby E has chosen (as of last week) the transverse lie not a full/frank breech. My only focus right now is getting this baby to turn back to a vertex position and stop messing around so I guess technically thats nesting, I'm now relegated to re-organizing my insides to prepare for the appropriate exit route.
I have tried the "breech tilt" for about 15 minutes and got a pretty bad headache from that, it looks easy but not with all the extra stuff going on inside, I have iced my belly every night since Thursday which resulted in slight protest kicks but no large swings of shifts. I even tried the downward dog position for about 20 minutes but I gave up on that, unfortunately, I am not encouraged that she'll turn again and I don't think any of this actually could work. I have been pocking and prodding her for days now trying to figure out which bump is a head, shoulder or rump. I have researched every possible thing about turning the baby but still staying away from reading up on C-sections yet.
(side bar: my fingers are so swollen and tingly, its taking the pleasure out of even typing right now)
On sunday night, I felt horrible, I thought I was going in for a minute, I had serious pains emanating for my lower back and felt dizzy and nauseous. After laying down for most of the night everything subsided. I have once again been sleeping like a sleep deprived architecture student after final crits for the last few days, I may just be trying to sleep the week away or maybe I'm really tired, who knows. On Tuesday night/early morning I was awakened by some pretty vigorous kicks and shifts which lasted about an hour but don't seem to have resulted in a new position. Anyway, tommorow I have set myself up for good and bad news, at 9am we have a consult with a pediatrician I am told is pretty great (for this area), then the U/s at 12:15pm to check the new position of this baby and schedule the ECV. It will be nice to have some kind of answer and plan because my obssesive bones have not handled the 'waiting game' (waiting for baby E to turn on her own) very well this week. You know things are out of hand when your 3 year old wants to shine her Dora flashlight up your dress so the "..baby isn't..bweech (breech) anymore"!
SHE TURNED! She really made her way back to the right position..I hope she stays this way!