Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 20

SO.. if the baby is only the size of this mango then why do I feel so bloated? oh also this baby is a girl..yep you heard it folks, its another girl! I was sure it was a boy but to my surprise..the three lines showed up and there it was clear as day..GIRL! When we found out on Thursday, I was in shock, not because I wanted or did not want a daughter but because I think its just hard to "know". Its a bit like popping a balloon suddenly rather than letting the air out slowly, the pop feels so final and deflating. 
Anyway, I won't lie, I cried but I wasn't sure why I was crying and of course the husband stepped out immediately to call his father and text his sister (which annoyed the shit out of me..only because we hadn't really completed the moment before he hastily left me on the table with the ultrasound tech!) I know myself, it will take me a few days (maybe weeks) to adjust to the idea of another little girl but I will see the light and understand the meaning and be excited. I've found that I don't like surprises or attention and thats enough to make an almost 20 week pregnant lady cry.

On another note, the seasons are all mixed up..we had winter in October and now Spring fever in February! My allergies have me so congested that I feel like I am in a bubble sometimes, of course I can't and won't try to take anything but I hope it gets better soon.