Showing posts with label gymnastics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gymnastics. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2013


All parents want their kids to be good great at something. We are also guilty of pushing our kids too hard to do things they may not want to. I am having trouble finding the balance between being indifferent about extracurricular activities and being overly controlling. I want my kids to become well adjusted, successful people in life...really..lets face it they aren't going to be cute and cuddly forever..they are actually people.NEWSFLASH! I was raised by pretty very rather strict parents who believed in simple methods for keeping us kids in line and teaching us to do well in school...DO IT or else!
These days, I think that the education has become the status quo, I mean basically if you don't have a Masters or PHD from a good school, your opportunities are severely limited-at least for the kinds of "professions" I believe are worthwhile. There are certainly many in-betweens and there is the chance that one of the kids is a genius right?  but for considering the average child..

So the things the child acquires and experiences outside of school become very important because these are the things that will set them apart from the pack...diversity of language, musical inclination, competitive sports etc..right? Unfortunately, I don't believe in spending money to put the kids into a class just because its fashionable, I'll be the first to tell you that I don't think my child has the poise to be a ballerina so why put her in ballet class..for the outfits? People often ask me if I'd put her into modeling (as if its easy..)..well..wishful thinking, Arielle can't sit still for more than 2 minutes so I know this would not be fun for no I don't think pursuing modeling wold be viable. Anyway, we tried gymnastics this year because after the Olympics and watching the great Gabby Douglas, that was all Arielle wanted to do.

Luckily we were able to get her into a class with her cousins and that was really beneficial to getting her into the program..but now..after months of watching her, I actually think she has great talent for gymnastics but I'm afraid to REALLY push her beyond the weekly class and into a more rigorous regimen. Also, she really only wants to join if her cousins do and I'm not sure they would want to join again. So what do we do?