Showing posts with label Motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motherhood. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014

Parenthood. Motherhood. - written soon after Evie was born

When I first had my daughter, I was unsure of what to expect, I was nervous about everything from baby care to weightloss. I thought once I got through the hard part, the birthing process, then I'd be fine, I'd snap back into things and everything would be great. I had a great job, with a flexible schedule, I had gotten myself into good shape, I was healthy, I was on the waiting list for daycare, I had even timed my pregnancy down to the semester schedule so I had the entire fall semester off and would return in the Spring for 16 weeks and have the summer off affording me the opportunity to spend most of the baby's first year with her. Personally, I had always struggled with my looks so once I got over the amount of weigh I would gain while pregnant, I even enjoyed being pregnant.
Arielle was 7 days late and at 11:56am on October 3rd, she was born and my life would never be the same again. Although my older sister had two children, my close cousin had 2 sons also and my mom was close by, I still felt like I had no clear idea of what it would really be like to have a baby and I was right. It has taken me many years (and having a second child) to really reflect on how it affected me but I did, seriously. Obviously, the immediate postpartum adjustment period which is not actually longer than 6 weeks for most women, was messy in many ways. My body was still very much trying to reconcile the loss of something it had nurtured within for the last 9 months while my mind was also engrossed with that loss,  I was feeling a kind of love I had never felt before. I was trying to adjust to nursing which seems simple but its not. I was tired all the time and I was overwhelmed by emotion all the time.
All of a sudden I felt everything become overshadowed with a grayness that wouldn't go away. My husband had taken a month off to be with us and it was great to have a companion but once he returned to work, I both welcomed the time alone but began to feel resentful as well. I was caught in the conflict of motherhood that only multiplies as the years go by. I knew I was doing the right thing to be home with my daughter but wanted so badly to feel that pride of being in the workplace. I didn't want to leave my baby with a stranger so early but I wanted to be able to go to work and stimulate my brain. When I decided I would return to the gym, which had always been my way of maintaining emotion stability, I got excited but unfortunately, Arielle would cry the minute we got there, she was only used to being with me. I was trapped or at least I felt trapped. I could not go anywhere without my baby and I didn't want to but I knew I needed to to get myself feeling better.

going back to work..

Now with my second daughter at 4 months old, I feel like I have all the same issues all over again but I am better equipped to deal with them. I am more confident that I will come out of this just fine even with happy little girls who love the mommy and daddy. I even may try this again!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mothers and Daughters

All I really wanted for Mothers day was a few good shots of my daughters and I and some rest. I got both..sort of. Although I had imagined a more glamorous photoshoot, my husband decided to shoot the pictures and I was a bit self conscious (..lets face it..when am I not..?) After two cups of sangria and some snacks in the grass we were able to get a few decent shots before we went home.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, November 15, 2012

4 Months Old

Dear Evalie,
All of a sudden my sweet little baby, you are no longer a wobbly little body, you have gained enough strength to sit yourself up, you reach for your toys (and everything else) and put them in your mouth, you hold tight onto fingers..and bite sometimes. Its as if it occurred overnight, you woke up and now you are so aware of everything..when I leave and come back I love the light in your eyes and way you wiggle to show you are happy. When I put you down in your crib you always look around at your surroundings until you feel secure and then your eyes slowly close as you fade into sleep. I love the way you laugh when I make funny sounds. You also seem to really like the wooden toys hanging over your bouncy chair, you bat them and talk to them happily while I cook dinner. You still have the "I'm not impressed" stare on your face mostly but when you want to, you do flash a wonderful smile to most people. I especially love when you sleep, I get to catch a glimpse of you smiling and I know you are happy.

I often think of this song (Sade-The Sweetest Gift) when I watch you....
Quietly while you were asleep
The moon and I were talking
I asked that she'd always keep you protected
She promised you her light
That you so gracefully carry
You bring your light and shine like morning
And then the wind pulls the clouds across the moon
Your light fills the darkest room
And I can see the miracle that keeps us from falling
She promised all the sweetest gifts
That only the Heaven's could bestow
You bring your light and shine like morning
And as you so gracefully give
Her light as long as you live
I'll always remember this moment.

As time passes, I can only hope that as your dreams develop that they are fulfilled. I also wish that you and your sister nurture your bond and grow closer than you already are. There's nothing better than having a sister and being the baby sister, you get all the love from your big sister and learn from her as well. Your fascination for your sister is so evident, you sit and watch her with so much focus, its clear you want to play with her. And she adores you (for example, tonight she's asked to take a bath several times tonight even though she hates baths because I said I would sit you in with her.) I am grateful for every moment I have with you and your sister, it's truly the best time of my life. And you are truly the sweetest gift.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

4th Birthday Party

Arielle's birthday cake 
Party Favors (kraft paper bags and washi tape)

Party space
Last weekend we celebrated Arielle's 4th birthday with a party and great friends and family. I initially was not going to have a party because it felt like such a hassle but once we got a theme it was on. We tried to orchestrate a gymnastics party since she's really gotten into it since the success of the USA girls team. We had the party a the local YMCA which happens to be fairly new so it doesn't have that old school YMCA feel. Although the space we rented was nice, open and bright,  the management/party coordinator was horrible and gave us a hard time which upset me a bit. Otherwise the party went great and I think the kids had fun. As usual, I indulged in my love for all things party and tried to create a pink paradise for my sweet girl because she loves pink (and I don't!) and sugar!.  I was really interested in doing a sweets table a la Amy Atlas, so once I got excited about that, my planning went into overdrive. I made the tissue pom poms like last year, got all the girls fairy wings and the boys pirate hats, we had good treats and finger foods and pizza. I usually cook tons of food for our parties but this year I decided to make food for only the after party at our house. Afterwards, my family came back to the house and everyone relaxed,we had an even better time.  Arielle opened all her gifts and by the time everyone left she was so sleepy but really happy. It was fantastic to see everyone and most especially to see the looks of excitement and happiness on my sweet girls face. 
Evalie had a tutu..kind of
Sweets table
We got her birthday cake for the fourth year in a row from our favorite patisserie Jean Claude's. This was her interpretation of a whimsical take on the pinkish/purple sparkled costumes of Gabby Douglas. I baked the star tarts and cupcakes and we got the macrons and cake pops from Eat Sweet bake shop. 

Vanilla meringue and cake pops
vanilla and raspberry macarons

and Evalie even had her fairy wings

Thanks to everyone who came to the party from far and near ( even the later comers) We love you!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Side by Side

These days everyone who knew Arielle as a baby is joyfully reminded of her by her sister Evalie. They usually say "oh I see Arie" her. So I decided to try to find images to compare to two and really see if they look that similar. Coincidentally, we took some pictures of Evalie the other night during a bath knowing we had some of Arielle as well, so here it is, the side by side of both girls at 3 months old. ( Evalie will be 3 months in a few days). I think they actually look nothing alike but I love them both beyond words!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday

My sweet girl,
Happy birthday! four years ago I became a mother and you've been my wonderful, thoughtful little girl ever since. I have loved watching you grow, learn new things and become the sweet little girl I always knew you would be. I still remember the moment I first held you in my arms, its never been the same. As much I want to you to slow down and stay a baby, I look forward with much excitement to see the young lady you are becoming each day. I love you.
