Thursday, March 21, 2013

8 Months Old

 At eight months old, you have a mind of your own. You are determined and daring, you get what you want somehow either by crawling very quickly to it or making sounds that let us know what you're thinking. You are very funny and enjoy laughing with your sister (and getting into everything she's doing). You eat most things now and are able to feed yourself little pieces of food. Since you already have two front teeth, you even chew croissants! You are desperate to walk, its actually very funny to see you stand and then let go and then look around to see if we are watching really seem proud of yourself when you do that..although it scares us since its usually right next to living room table. You keep us on our toes at all times. You recognize who we are and when we come and go, you express such joy when daddy, Arielle or I return from a day at work or school.
You have adjusted nicely to the nanny, your no longer cry when I leave but I think its made you a bit more clingy at night, you are refusing to sleep in your crib so for the last few nights you have been sleeping in our bed..its a habit I'd rather not encourage but you're so cute..And I'm so tired.
I sometimes refer to you as my bussy bee but you really are kind of a little are really into chewing on paper..fuzz..plastic wrappers...anything thats supposed to be in the trash. Its kind of funny and I can't keep up with you.. (right now you are chewing on an unopened pack of baby mum-mum!).
My dear little girl, you can light up any room with those bright brown eyes, I love to see you wake up with your afro and you open your eyes so wide and smile so big when I say good morning. 

Although you are still in the in the 90th percentile, your growth has slowed a bit, you now weigh in at 19.2 lbs and are probably 27 inches tall by now. You are still bringing us much joys and surprise everyday. We love you.

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