Monday, July 1, 2013

Montessori School

Soon after Evalie was born, my first daughter started arts and crafts camp in the local middle school, it gave me a few moments to myself while the newborn slept but once it ended and Evalie was about a month and a half old, Arielle got bored. She had been going to the same daycare for years ( since she was 10 months old) but I took her out just before her sister was born for the summer. Since I intended to stay home for a few months, I thought I would balance both kids, teaching Arielle while Evalie slept. It proved to be really challenging and a bit frustrating for both of us. I noticed her need for more challenging problems and interaction with kids her age so I looked into the Montessori school by us and got her registered after only one trial day. She joined the spanish alternate language class because it was the only class that had an opening three weeks into the school year. The school also had Mandarin and French alternate languages classes comprised each of kids from 3-5 years of age.

Although I was skeptical about its teaching methodology and not totally convinced by the casual attitude encouraged in the class, I now can tell you that its wonderful and it works. An d so my shy, clingy little girl can now read, spell, write and offers us daily knowledge about things like the water cycle or the skeletal system etc. She asks the most inquisitive questions and make insightful comments on daily occurrences..oh and she speaks some spanish (which could possibly be from Dora..but thats another story!) She made lovely little friends and I think has grown up quite nicely over the last 10 months that I desperately wanted her to stay there for another year...It became a real struggle at home between myself and my husband because his parenting philosophy differs from mine quite a bit so he felt feels she should join in the ranks of the other 1000 kindergartners in our county and get on the yellow bus instead of being driven to school by mommy and walk the cafeteria line with her tray instead os eating my lunchtime creations..idk. 
Anyway, I will miss her school dearly and am trying very hard to remain open minded as the fall approaches and her first day of school as a real students comes. I will cry and I hope I don't chicken out and re-enroll her into the Montessori School but for now we'll miss Mrs. Brown, Ms. Danielle, Mrs. DeJesus, Stella, Mia, and William..Arielle's special friend!.

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