Monday, July 22, 2013

Evalie's 1st Birthday Party

I love planning parties and I hate planning parties for the same primary reason..I get so invested in the details and work to make sure everyone has a great time that it becomes a chore until the actual party comes together..and this time was no different. It was my second daughters first birthday on Thursday and the party was on Saturday and after all my turned out really great..and I even had some fun as well. We had just the right number of guests and the right ones too, she was surrounded by those who care so much for her and wanted to celebrate such a memorable occasion with her. Everyone got on well, laughed, ate drank and celebrated my little Evie. She had great time as well, even tried it at the pinata and had her own little cake for the first time.
The morning started out pretty mellow, I had been pretty well prepared and left on al few things to do in the morning. The party was at 1:00pm and located about 30 minutes away from our home so I started somewhat early in the morning, making the cupcakes. I made two kinds using this recipe I found from a blog earlier that week. The cakes came out pretty good. I also used the frosting from the same place but decided to do the chocolate cupcakes with a hazelnut frosting which I found here. That frosting was my opinion but I digress.. I had put the favors together a few days before and had spray painted her name out of cardboard letters and glittered a pennant banner onto them for the table decor. I also make a tassel garland and a bunch of the flowers tags for the toppers and favor bags earlier.

While the cupcakes were cooling I made two batches of chocolate walnut brownies and made the vanilla frosting.  My husband packed up all the stuff in my car and then scooted out to get the cakes from our favorite bakery (one large one for everyone, a little one for Evalie and one for her grandpa who shares her birthday!) 
Once the cupcakes cooled I frosted them, packed them up and got myself and the kids dresseed.We got there with 25 mins to set up, my mom was already there with a wardrobe change fro the little one and to help set up. So Arielle, myself and Grandma put together the sweets table quickly and changed Evie into the dress grandma brought. The table didn't really consist of too much because I wasn't sure how much space I would have ( I had a lot) and did not feel like having to pack two kids and lots of the stuff in my car that mornong. In hindsight, I wouldn't have been so bad. Anyway, here are some the things that were on the table. The favor bags, had bunch of little novelty toys from the party store, a flower pencil, notepad and bubbles, then I sealed them off with some gold glitter tape and placed the personalized flower on one side and a flower with a single candle (stickers from Michael's)  on the other side. The cupcakes toppers were made the same way using card stock in three shades of of the pink with white centers each saying either "Evalie 1", "E" or "Happy first birthday". I also made some that said "thank you" for the candy filled milk jugs and hung those on with bakers twine.
I also put out brownies with cute little flags toppers on them, some paper suitcases and the birthday cake. The cupcake boxes were actually pretty nice as well for people to take home. 
Soon, people started to arrive and the party started out wonderfully. I must say, the waiters were really stellar and kept everyone happy..especially me!.I had sent the owner of the restaurant the recipe for a punch to serve the guest (really for and they really did a nice job, the only problem was it was so good that it was finished by the middle of the party. Luckily they quickly whipped up something else. 
We did play a few games which everyone was really into both kids and grown ups! We gave out gifts ( wine..which we probably should have thought a bit harder about since both winners were underage!) The food was excellent, we gathered round and sang happy birthday to my little Evie. She seemed so confused but eventually reached out and tried to grab the candle. It was all really sweet and I was very pleased with everything.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

12 Months Old

Oh my sweet little girl, we made it and in one peice. Happy Birthday my dar]ling little girl. Nothing could have prepared me for the amazing little person that you have become. Last year at this time, I was clutching a tiny little 8 lb baby wondering how I would be able to raise another daughter; I was wondering how I would introduce you to my Arielle. I wondered what you would be like. I had only imagined for the last 10 months how this little girl could be, could change our family and you have absolutely surprised us every step of the way. You are like the glue that holds us together, you fit in with the nuts that make up our family, you are strong and funny and smart and...everything. Your grandma thinks you are "advanced" which is fine with me  but I'm just happy you are mine. I remember before you were born, so many people (even my doctor) would say you can't possibly make a baby as cute as Arie..and well, while you are very different you are absolutely all I ever wanted. I absolutely adore you and so does your sister, your cousins Shaina and Helena, your aunts and uncle. Your nanny Aneta love you too.
This week has been especially exciting for me because you have begun to exhibit an understanding for what we are saying to you. We ask you to dance and you oblige by stomping your chubby little feet on the wood floor and spinning in circles. we say clap and you you do so very happily. You love to dance, run ( which is a it scary for me), you are a fantastic eater, you basically eat almost anything including your sisters meals. Your stability on your feet is  much better, your hair is growing into a full blown afro. You love water, we had you at the beach and a water park this month and you responded fairly well when your daddy thought it was good idea to dunk you under water! We definitely appreciate how laid back you are, always smiling unless you are tired. Speaking of sleep, you are really fantastic with that too, at around the same time everyday unfailing, you are ready to sleep and you go to your crib without much fuss and sleep all night until the morning, in fact you wake up and just lay in bed not really making a big deal until you here the sounds of someone else awake. 
Well, now that you are one, what now? We love you to bits and can only hope you remain safe, happy and as funny as you currently are.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10

This time last year I was swollen, scared and in the zone. I was waiting to meet my baby, one of the two most precious gifts I have ever received. I was laying in a hospital bed, shivering feverishly and wondering when she would come, how she would come, wondering if I could even get through the night. Watching my husband, older sister and mother do everything they could think off to keep me calm and comfortable and to stay calm themselves. We heard words like C-section, emergency, overdose but remained calm and focused on the goal. And then She came...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Montessori School

Soon after Evalie was born, my first daughter started arts and crafts camp in the local middle school, it gave me a few moments to myself while the newborn slept but once it ended and Evalie was about a month and a half old, Arielle got bored. She had been going to the same daycare for years ( since she was 10 months old) but I took her out just before her sister was born for the summer. Since I intended to stay home for a few months, I thought I would balance both kids, teaching Arielle while Evalie slept. It proved to be really challenging and a bit frustrating for both of us. I noticed her need for more challenging problems and interaction with kids her age so I looked into the Montessori school by us and got her registered after only one trial day. She joined the spanish alternate language class because it was the only class that had an opening three weeks into the school year. The school also had Mandarin and French alternate languages classes comprised each of kids from 3-5 years of age.

Although I was skeptical about its teaching methodology and not totally convinced by the casual attitude encouraged in the class, I now can tell you that its wonderful and it works. An d so my shy, clingy little girl can now read, spell, write and offers us daily knowledge about things like the water cycle or the skeletal system etc. She asks the most inquisitive questions and make insightful comments on daily occurrences..oh and she speaks some spanish (which could possibly be from Dora..but thats another story!) She made lovely little friends and I think has grown up quite nicely over the last 10 months that I desperately wanted her to stay there for another year...It became a real struggle at home between myself and my husband because his parenting philosophy differs from mine quite a bit so he felt feels she should join in the ranks of the other 1000 kindergartners in our county and get on the yellow bus instead of being driven to school by mommy and walk the cafeteria line with her tray instead os eating my lunchtime creations..idk. 
Anyway, I will miss her school dearly and am trying very hard to remain open minded as the fall approaches and her first day of school as a real students comes. I will cry and I hope I don't chicken out and re-enroll her into the Montessori School but for now we'll miss Mrs. Brown, Ms. Danielle, Mrs. DeJesus, Stella, Mia, and William..Arielle's special friend!.