Thursday, July 19, 2012

1 Week Old

We arrived home on Friday as a family of four; a bit tired, excited, nervous and really happy. The idea that we have finally gone through the birth of a beautiful little girl (..long story to come) without any casualties and now return home makes it all even more real. I have spent hours just watching her sleep, observing her moves, smelling her head, holding her little hands and feet, and I love every moment of it. The love one can develop for a baby is not always instant, although it was for me and it is very overwhelming, its almost too hard to comprehend how much affection you can develop in a few minutes, hours, days of meeting a little person.

My family came by on Friday afternoon a few hours after we got home and have been here on and off since; mom and my sisters have been making us delicious meals, cleaning, doing laundry, playing, laughing and really just making this time so special for us. I have not had a chance to dwell on anything or even let the hormonal shifts get me down, there hasn't really been a spare moment. Mom has also been here every night bathing the kids and getting in some cuddle time after work. 

Evalie had a 1 week checkup with the pediatrician and it turns out she's perfect, she has grown half an inch in a week and has gained 6 ounces as well. She nurses quite well and has virtually put herself on her own schedule, its made it quite easy for us to get rest and manage two kids (especially with one who has had strep all week). She's really good, quiet little girl, we sometimes forget she's here, she only cries during her bath otherwise she's quiet or making little sounds to let us know she's up.

She smiles quite a lot and I would argue they are real smiles but others think its gas..either way, its really pretty when she does. We have blown through a entire pack of newborn diapers and generated a lot of laundry! in the midst of all this, I still remain slightly in disbelief of the intensity of the last few days and hours leading to her birth, I am amazed at the strength of my baby and myself, the commitment and support of my husband, mother and sister and the determination of my doctors and nurses. 

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