Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6 Weeks Old

Evie at six weeks old is quite a joy. She's still sleeping well, only waking up for a mid-night feeding (at 4:00am) and taking long naps during the day. She stays up more now during the day so we get to actually see her big brown eyes wide open. She can definitely see a bit further now because she stares at the mobile hanging over her crib and the black and white baby art by her changing table which her sister made. Leaving the house takes a while but when we do it pretty smooth, she sleeps although she does not like the car seat once the car stops moving so my weekly Target run requires a little less lingering. 
She is a champion eater and she's got the signature rolls and chubby cheeks to prove it. We have been trying to introduce the bottle once a day which is slightly problematic because she seems to have a preference for that natural feeding methods..She's also showing a preference to cuddling instead of sleeping in her crib which is fine with me, I could sit and cuddle her all day thats only going to make it hard on the person who has to watch her when I return to work or just try to leave without her. She's making some expressive sounds which is fun because Arielle thinks she's talking to her and love its. So I guess I could go on forever about this little warm bundle but I'll just say she melts my heart.

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