Monday, August 27, 2012

Competitive Mothering

After a very bothersome conversation with a mother, I have been thinking about this issue of competitive mothering as I call it. Does becoming a mother inevitably mean we will compare our kids to others and make efforts to "keep up with the Joneses"? Is it something we all do by default? Are we supposed to have a rebuttal to every statement made about ones kids and are we built to brag about our kids to other mothers? This may be offensive to some but its quite curious to me when other mothers compare everything from what size diaper your baby wears at what age to who can count to 100 the fastest! I understand..I get it..I have two of them and I love them dearly but I really hope I don't make others feel less in conversation by constantly comparing kids..especially when the kids themselves don't care! They will have more than enough time to succumb to the pressures and expectations of academia and life but for now is it okay to let them be kids?
Earlier this summer when I asked my little one if she wanted to do swimming lessons, she responded "Sure, as long as I don't have to listen to instructions!" I find that really funny only because thats her personality..she 3 1/2, so should I be forcing her to do all these extracurricular activities now or else she'll be destined for mediocrity? It's great to have schedules for the kids and expose them to as much as possible but I think theres a limit to it and if they want to sit around and play with sand one day then let it be. The mom I'm referring to snickered and replied that her child could swim when he/she was two when I told her I was happy Arielle would take swimming lessons for the summer ! Lets face it, if your kid is going to be the next Gabby Douglas, Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt, they probably already have it in their DNA and all they need is your support for what they show interest in and if they miss the class for a day because they want to play in grass or attend a family event then its ok? No? 

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