Wednesday, September 26, 2012

11 Weeks Old

Dear Evalie,

Its the second day of Fall, Arielle is back at school and you and I all of a sudden have time alone. Even though you still sleep quite a bit, we do have some quiet time together in the morning and we exchange smiles, I catch you in a gaze and we see each other clearly, we laugh and we talk. You are a very content little bundle and are very generous with your smiles. I don't know if this feeling will ever leave ( I hope it doesn't), I am still amazed by you. You have made it pretty easy to become a mother again, a mother of two little girls. You are a patient baby, you barely cry but rather express your feeling with little sounds. You already personify a lot of what you feel, for example, I can see when you look at your sister how much you admire her, I believe you will be best friends, she loves you, she protects you. She will not let you cry for one moment, once she hears you awake she warns me of this and urges me to pick you up and put her next to you. Every morning on the way to school (and any other time we are in the car) she holds your hand to make sure you aren't scared. 

You have two new tricks, they are sounds and sitting; you have started to attempt to sit up rather than recline when someones holding you. You also spend quite a bit more time in the bouncy chair and make the most wonderful and deliberate sounds, usually at the objects hanging in front of you but sometime at daddy if he's sitting next to you. You also are trying very hard to get you fingers in your mouth but this skill continues to elude you. Like your aunty said on Saturday, you are so loved. I love you more than I ever believed my heart could. 

Love Mummy.

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