Showing posts with label 40 in 40. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40 in 40. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2012

#24: Black and White

I love black and white, I love the contrast, the simplicity, the clarity of it all. As a concept though, one can really get in a negative cycle if only allowing oneself to see things in black and white. Guilty! I have always been harsh about the way I confront things, as extremes only, any one situation can only be bad' or 'good' so its fitting today that the little one and I did some black and white painting together. (After a depressing doctors visit!). The original intent was to 1. give her something to do with herself and 2. to allow her make something she can say she made for her baby sisters room. 

So I had seen this project on another blog months ago and thought its pretty cool because basically newborns have a propensity towards colours with high contrast so can distinguish between black and white better than other colour combinations and this was easy to make because if you restrict a little girl to one color, the actual figure she's creating becomes more apparent to her and she's more conscious of her creation.

Once these dry I will hang them near the baby's changing table so she has something to capture her attention while I apply a cold wipe to her butt..(Btw are we the only ones who just couldn't imagine applying a cold wipe on the first baby's bottom but now see the ridiculousness of a wipe warmer..)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

#25: Crafts

I enjoy making things and have been finding ways to expend my creative energies while home with my little one and we wait for the arrival of the littlest one. I do it in many forms, from decorating the nursery, to the spring makeover we did in our living room to little projects such as making tags for my sisters upcoming Baby shower gift bags. These are simple and they utilized tools I already had from a previous party (Arielle's second birthday party) so it wasn't to much to do but it was a fun little project for us. And anything involving paint or glue are alright with my daughter anyway.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

#26: Comments

I know there must be someone reading beside my husband at this point, at least a couple of others, right? C'mon...let me know you're there! Over the last few months since I basically "canon-balled" into the world of social media, going from barely texting and email into blogging, Facebook-ing, Twitter-ing and linking in, I have found its a tough time out here in the world of wide webs! Its like pulling teeth to get a like on your "Facebook" page..I was sure I'd at least have 10 by now but no such luck!. And in over 60 post and over 500 views, only one comment! Well, here I am asking for comments, of course I would like them to be nice and fluffy but honest and blunt will work too.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

#27: Fashionable Green Thumb

I have seen this idea somewhere before and really loved the idea for a few reasons, in my mind, its kind of a "gardening for the fashion conscious and non-commital" somehow. No digging, a little drilling, throw in some seeds, decorative wine crates and most importantly easy ( to make and throw away if it fails!) ! I actually think the hardest part might be finding the wine crates because places around here only get wine in boxes but once I find a few I certainly intend to plant something...anything and surprise my "botanically" obsessed husband with my "prize-winning" spinach or better yet broccoli rabe!

Monday, June 4, 2012

#28: Knowledge

One of the things I had always admired about my husband when we first met, was his pursuit of knowledge, if he didn't know the answer to something he would try to find out immediately and if you didn't he would certainly oblige and share his ideas-fact or fiction with you (he still has an answer for most things, they aren't always right but he does anyway). This was way before phones had data plans, everyone had an iphone and "google" (see "to google") became a verb. He was one of those students in graduate school that bought every book on the course reading lists, both required and recommended (and at an ivy league architecture graduate school that really adds up!) 

Anyway, it was very inspiring (and then became, just a way of life) to have access to books during that time, to be able to draw thoughts and stimulate ideas from flipping through the books we had amassed in our tiny apartment. Its a very different experience from searching for something online and receiving a bombardment of "answers" within seconds. Moving day was never fun but now we have a library in our basement filled with books from many years and although the majority of them are architecture- related books that I am familiar with, its nice to go down there and just flip through a book and learn something at your own pace. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

# 29: Bubbles

I love how much little kids love bubbles, I'm always fascinated to see their reactions as soon as they spot bubbles frolicking in the air. Its magical the way these clear soap forms bring joy to their hearts. Its so simple and powerful at the same time. So today, we had beautiful weather and after a hard day yesterday, we went to the park, sat around and did bubbles. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

#30: Cold drink on a warm day

Strawberry Basil margaritas

After many days of rain here in NYC, the sun came out this afternoon and it was a beautiful day. Warm, bright and sunny weather on a saturday pairs quite nicely with a chilled, light beverage. I found this one on Apartment Therapy's the Kitchn. I've decided to make it my official drink of the summer, as soon as I can have one that is ( maybe a nice patriotic pitcher on July 4th if I'm not held up in the hospital!) Its so simple, refreshing and looks absolutely gorgeous. And since it can be made in a pitcher, its fantastic for when you invite friends over too..

Strawberry Basil Margaritas makes 1 pitcher, or about 8 servings

1 can (12 ounces) frozen limeade concentrate
10 strawberries (or 12 if you're using smaller ones from the farmer's market or your backyard.)
8 basil leaves
2 to 2 1/2 cups tequila (gold or silver)
Empty the limeade concentrate into a pitcher. Add 2 1/2 cans of water and 1 1/2 (18 ounces, or 2 1/4 cups) cans of tequila (or a bit less, if you don't want your drinks to be quite as strong).
Hull the strawberries, slice lengthwise, and add to the pitcher. Crumple the basil a little in your hands (this will help the basil flavor release into the drink) and add it to the pitcher, too. Place the pitcher, covered, in the fridge overnight, or for at least four hours.
When you remove the pitcher from the fridge, your margaritas will be a lovely pale pink color. Now all you have to do is serve them and wait for the compliments to pour in.

Friday, June 1, 2012

#31: Time

In Memoriam: June 1, 2002- June 1, 2012

My father, sister and me in Lagos
To my father, mentor and inspriation. Ten years has not been able to provide the time to heal the wound of your loss. I miss you and love you always.

“It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” 
Rose Kennedy


Thursday, May 31, 2012

#32: Blue nails

The effects of nine months of growing another human being really takes a toll on the body of any woman. I noticed the visible signs in my skin a few weeks ago and just felt like I was really tired but after three days off, I still look tired, its just whats in style this late pregnancy stage. So I decided to make an extra effort to do things I don't normally care too much about, hair, make-up and nails. So in honor of not being boring and beige, I got myself a bottle of blue nail polish for some added color in my appearance instead of yet another sheer blush color to add to my collection. And yes my fingers are swollen, my ankles are even worse but today, I appreciate bright blue nails! Hey what do want from me, I try...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

#33: Little things

Shot with:Nikon D80, 18-135mm: ISO 5, F-14
There's something quite heartwarming about little things. I had forgotten how tiny newborn babies really are; maybe its the fragility of the baby one associates with these tiny items but they really reach into a realm of my psyche which is soft and not so jaded. Although I have a lot of hand me downs which are in great condition for the littlest one, I am compelled to buy a few special things as well. These knitted booties are one thing I couldn't resist even though she'll be born in the heat of the summer I figured she'd need them since we keep the house and car air conditioning on high at all times. So today, I appreciate all the little ( small and seemingly insignificant ) things that make getting through the next 33 days easier and fill my heart with a bit of warmth. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

#34: Dreams

Shot with:Nikon D80, 18-135mm: Auto (some touch up in iphoto)

Once up a time, I wanted to become a fashion designer, then I became an architect. The path seemed straight, it seemed to be direct yet long but paved without too much hinderance if I only remained persistent and tried to reach the end. Along the way, I only dreamt of what life could be once I reached the end of the path, that I could design beautiful artifacts to my hearts desire, that people would appreciate my creativity and craft and I would be satisfied with that. As my dreams became reality, there have been changes, unforeseen forks and turns in the path, confusing the choices on how to proceed, whats really at the end of the path or if even there is an end, the gratification?  It has transformed that dream and made the path slightly windier, a bit more treacherous and my determination to be questioned. 

I would continue to dream up new potentials for life  and believe in the possibilities it has to offer but are they for someone else, someone whom I see more time to explore these paths, more strength to conquer the many facets and to dream beyond the limitations of ones own vision. She is kind, naive, curious and energetic. She is love. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

#35: Morning Light

Shot with:Nikon D80, 18-135mm: ISO 40, F-14 (some touch up in Lightroom)
The morning light washes the walls so deliberately, its pure and intense as it reveals the new day, it unfolds ever so slightly from glare and reflection to clear and crisp, almost pacing the speed at which the body is moving towards wakefulness. It brings an opportunity to once again believe in the miracle of life, embark on a new journey, choose to leave yesterday behind and start afresh. In this moment, the quiet surrounds me, my mind is peaceful and clear. Its a moment that is both fleeting and surreal yet nostalgic.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

#36: Dim Sum

Shot with: IPhone 3
Dim sum refers to a style of Chinese food prepared as small bite-sized or individual portions of food traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. Dim sum is also well known for the unique way it is served in some restaurants, wherein fully cooked and ready-to-serve dim sum dishes are carted around the restaurant for customers to choose their orders while seated at their tables.
Eating dim sum at a restaurant is usually known in Cantonese as going to "drink tea" (yum cha, 飲茶), as tea is typically served with dim sum.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

#37: Gourmet Ice Cream

If you have sweet tooth or have temporarily developed one like I have in the last few months then you certainly can taste the difference between "regular" ice cream and "gourmet" ice cream. Like a  sommelier knows a fine wine, I have been able to refine my palette for desserts in a short time and now have a great appreciation for those made with great ingredients and today we had some really nice ice cream. I had a lovely hand-made waffle cone with two scoops of flavor called Calf Trax: Vanilla ice cream with peanut butter swirl and mini peanut butter cups. Yummy. 

The ice cream shoppe is run by the owners of a pretty large dairy farm (benefits of living in the sticks), so the dairy is top quality. Just outside the shoppe there are a few benches and its funny but never fails,  that everyone gets their choice of ice cream, then walks out and takes a seat facing and staring out at this view over the valley. Theres something about the combination that people like myself seem to really enjoy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

#38: Rain

Rain is quite a controversial phenomenon, its often unappreciated and unwelcome by most;  when its scarce, we panic, when its plentiful, we panic, we when we have to walk or drive in it, we complain, when everything's wet and we have to stay inside, we complain but sometimes when we are indoors relaxing or reading a good book holding a warm ( or cool) drink, the sound of rain can be glorious especially when we awake the next day fresh blooms. 

This year has been funny with the early Spring season, so we haven't really had many flowers recently, plus the fact that I live across the street from a 20 member family of deer who get their sustenance from the plants Austin keep buying and planting out in front of the house.

Anyway, this week it has been raining everyday and suddenly today, I see a bright pink flower coming out from a Peony plant we put in last year, I had forgotten it was there and am quite excited that its actually flowering. So today, I appreciate the steady rainfall as a sign of new life.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

#39: Smiles

#39: I appreciate the happiness that my sweet little girl continues to share with me, she lifts me up at anytime with her smile.