Wednesday, November 28, 2012

20 Weeks Old

At 20 weeks, Evalie you are 16.9 lbs and 26 inches long. You are definitely going through a transition because you now insist on sitting on the floor so much so that you slide off the lap of anyone carrying you just to get to the floor. You've also discovered the Exersaucer which you really seem to like as well and you are quite steady in it as well.  Last week you had you 4 month visit and Dr. Jamie says you are perfect and has instructed us to start you on solids and so since Thanksgiving was just last week, we chose Acorn squash as your first vegetable. I baked some for Thanksgiving dinner with a maples-soy ginger glaze but for yours we steamed plain (with some water). Last week you had started Happy Bellies oatmeal cereal mixed with mommy milk which you don't love but will eat. Tonight you had your second helping of Acorn squash and to my surprise, you liked it, you even fussed every time I sat for too long without giving you any. Of course you are still working on not pushing your tongue out at me when I try to feed you but I think you'll be pretty good pretty soon. You do make some chewing movements so I know you are trying to get the food back.

On a less happy note, you are teething and today must have been a big day in the process because you have cried so much today, that I am happy to see you quiet right now (sitting on the floor, playing with my feet). You've been tugging at year right ear and been generally unhappy all day but I resisted giving you Tylenol before I tried everything else and after a bath and squash I think you are OK..for now. I will call Dr. Jamie later if we have a tough bedtime. Anyway, as loved you bath and love playing with your sister.
Your face seems to be changing from a little baby look into a very cute girlie look but I still can't get over the cheeks, I still remember when the ultrasound tech saw you in 3d, she immediately gasp.."oh my gosh, look at those cheeks" and sure enough, your cheeks look like two eggs hanging off you face..its absolutely adorable. I love you little girl. 

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