Friday, May 4, 2012

Week 32

My baby girl at 31weeks 3 days (chubby cheeks!)

Today I had a doctors appointment with Dr. Keith Lescale, one of the best maternal-fetal medicine specialist in Westchester. I am technically (31 weeks 5 days) 8 weeks 3 days away from my due date, its an important day because, I (and Dr. Lescale) have been a bit worried about a the whole possible C-Section issue for the last 11 weeks since Dr. Lescale mentioned it at 23 weeks, so today was the day to finally see what the little girl was doing in there. I got in a bit late (of course) but the doc wasn't even there which was strange but the very friendly and enthusiastic technician came in and began scanning my belly. 

The bitter sweet of being considered "special" case, is that although you've got to go through a few more tests than you'd like to, you also get to see the baby a lot. I was just saying to my husband the other day how I feel I have become a more relaxed person because during my first pregnancy I was calling the doctor at night if for some reason i felt the baby wasn't moving enough (she was probably sleeping), I was furious they wouldn't let me have an ultrasound after the 20 week, I was so paranoid that something would happen to the baby before we got to the end point..and I was on vacation so not really doing anything strenuous at all! This time, I have postponed seeing Dr.Lescale who does the ultrasound twice already; he wanted me to come in every 4 weeks since week 23 but I decided to wait until she (the baby) was bigger and I was closer to delivery! Who skips ultrasounds..especially in 4D?

Anyway,  its kind of a really great moment to get a rare glimpse into the innards of your own body, its even better when the tech does it in 4D so we get a really 'real' image of the baby just to make us smile. So without getting completely into detail the facts are in, the baby is very very cute..I expected her to be cute but she looks so adorable in there I almost want to be at 40 weeks right now! The tech pulled up the 4D image and we all were quite amazed at how chubby her cheeks already are at 32 weeks, she's 4lbs 2 ounces, heartbeat at 139 and she's not breech! yay.

After all the fun, the doc came in and basically said I am still in the clear for a natural (non surgical) delivery for now and to return in 5 weeks when the baby is full term to take one last look. They still seem rather concerned but not without optimism. Anyway, here I am and here she is. 

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