Showing posts with label Arielle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arielle. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mothers and Daughters

All I really wanted for Mothers day was a few good shots of my daughters and I and some rest. I got both..sort of. Although I had imagined a more glamorous photoshoot, my husband decided to shoot the pictures and I was a bit self conscious (..lets face it..when am I not..?) After two cups of sangria and some snacks in the grass we were able to get a few decent shots before we went home.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

5 Months Old

So my little booboos is 5 months and funnier than ever. She's got a great sense of humor (and a temper..occasionally!). She laughs and plays like a kid not a baby anymore. She now more than ever expressing her preference for being upright, she only wants to sit up and is infact lunging forward as if she wants to crawl! AHHHHH..anyway, she just rolled over out of the blue thats awesome!
This month, Evalie is also faced with adjusting to a nanny who started with her last week for three days a week. Unfortunately, she is still protesting the bottle but has been making it through the day on a few spoons of solids ( we've done squash, carrots, sweet potato and now sweet peas..). She also detests her cereal which I find a bit strange because its rather bland and mixed with expressed milk. The nanny seems to be good so far except for Evalie not eating all day.
We've been to a few holiday functions and she's been absolutely excellent even through the "wedding-like" Bar mitzvah went to last weekend. We also drove to Virginia on Saturday morning and returned on Sunday night and she was great for the most part, not really phased by all that time in the car or sleeping in a new place! At this point, I am realizing that I love her more everyday and am conflicted because I am so anxious to see her older but at the same time want her to slow down! I love this little girl so much that I think the only person who ight love her more is her sister! I hope they remain best friends forever! I love you both Arielle and Evalie. Be safe.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"I don't like brown.."

First meeting between Arielle and Evalie: Evalie was a few hours old.

I felt a sense of panic as my daughter uttered these words the other night! I knew she did not mean it in the way she complains of anything I put on her that isn't pink and frilly, I was sure this time she meant color..brown skin color! It wasn't as straight forward as I make it sound, it was evening time, after dinner and we were getting ready to head to bed. I had been watching The Voice earlier on and off and just happened to put it back on when a brown skinned contestant named De'borah came on to sing (..quite well actually) and because Arielle never stops singing, I asked her what she thought about the girl singing..her response, "I don't like her, I don't like brown". I was a bit taken aback, I wondered what she meant, the girl wasn't wearing brown and what did brown have to do with her singing anyway? So I pressed her to explain what she meant by this, she wasn't really into the conversation so I reminded her gently that I was brown and so was her grandma and in fact she was brown ( at least 1/2) too..she asked "Is daddy brown?" I said "No, he's not". So, as I rattled off people who were "brown" that are part of her family, she eventually said, "I love you because you're my mommy and I love everyone in my family". So I quickly texts my older sister who also has two mixed race daughters and asked if she had had to deal with this in the past? She suggested to ask her more specifically if anything had happened which made her feel like she didn't like "brown" people.
The next morning, while getting ready for school, I asked her about what she had said the night before and she didn't really seem bothered by it. She just insisted that she didn't like "brown" not because of anything..her teachers name is Ms. Brown but she's not, she has one brown skinned girl in her class who she says she doesn't play with, so basically the only "brown" people she interacts with are myself and my family. I'm not sure what else to do, I've addressed it but I'm not sure I was able to clearly articulate that all people should be treated equally regardless of their color and how do you even convey that to a four year old?. And more importantly, I am really conflicted because I feel bad..slightly offended, I deal with this everyday, when I am out alone with Evalie, people often remark "that's a really cute baby" they assume she isn't' mine because she looks completely Caucasian maybe except for her curly black hair, when Arielle is with me and calls me mommy people are a bit less surprised because she's a bit darker and has long, extremely thick curly hair. 
Once again, I'm faced with trying to identify and explain her place in a world of black and white as a mixed race, mixed religion child. I know she thinks she is white and Catholic but she isn't and I have to find a way to make her proud and confident that she is both because its going to be more and more relevant as she grows up, while her religious affiliation may be less so. Any thoughts?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Side by Side

These days everyone who knew Arielle as a baby is joyfully reminded of her by her sister Evalie. They usually say "oh I see Arie" her. So I decided to try to find images to compare to two and really see if they look that similar. Coincidentally, we took some pictures of Evalie the other night during a bath knowing we had some of Arielle as well, so here it is, the side by side of both girls at 3 months old. ( Evalie will be 3 months in a few days). I think they actually look nothing alike but I love them both beyond words!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday

My sweet girl,
Happy birthday! four years ago I became a mother and you've been my wonderful, thoughtful little girl ever since. I have loved watching you grow, learn new things and become the sweet little girl I always knew you would be. I still remember the moment I first held you in my arms, its never been the same. As much I want to you to slow down and stay a baby, I look forward with much excitement to see the young lady you are becoming each day. I love you.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Finding Her Balance

Try and try again..this is a lesson I haven't really had to teach my daughter so far she does so on her own, she is very persistent about things she finds interesting or she is determined to do (Thank God!). She's been watching the amazing young girls of the U.S. Gymnastics team and has become even more enamored by gymnastics than she was earlier this summer. I had tried to get her into a gymnastics course for the summer but they wouldn't allow her to join because she was not four years old yet, so she's found every occasion to practice on her our living room, at parks, in the back etc. And she can do this for hours just trying to get her balance..she yells out "look mommy I stuck my landing!". How precious! As a new big sister, she has had a shaky few weeks, she was my baby in every sense of the word and being told she isn't a baby anymore has seemed more like a punishment to her so I am almost in tears when I see her excited and relaxed (not questioning if I still love her..) I really hope she can find her balance...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

#39: Smiles

#39: I appreciate the happiness that my sweet little girl continues to share with me, she lifts me up at anytime with her smile.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Over PROTECTING our children

My sweet girl 

Its no secret that I am a cross between a helicopter mom, a tiger mom, a self professed attachment parent and a mush! I've gone from being a nervous wreck over the news of having a daughter to not being able to even leave this little girl without falling to pieces. I know its partially my fault that she is also rather clingy, she melts when she has to leave me, she melts when she's had to leave her cousins, she's genuinely saddened when family hang outs have to come to an end. She loves so hard already that I'm so afraid for what life's ups and downs will do to her heart and spirit.
I certainly hope she has everything she's ever wanted and never gets turned down or let down but thats not possible and its healthy to know what it is to lose someone you love or not to get your way or win all the time, the issue is that its my responsibility to teach her that concept and how to cope (and in a few weeks..I'll have two!) I'm not sure even I have developed my coping skills to  a degree where I feel completely secure in giving others life defining advice/ guidance. I know, I know, she's only 3 1/2 and she must develop some of this on her own from mistakes and such but its really hard to see your little one hurt isn't it?  So how do I do this?  Still thinking?

If I may digress, I thinks that's been the shift in my mindset, now as I'm expecting another child, and I am still surprised by the fact that I'm not nearly as anxious as I was to meet my first. By week 33 the last time around I was so, so, so anxious I thought I would burst but right now, I realize that in 7 weeks I will have a baby girl and I am okay with that and the time left before we meet. Knowing the littlest is safe in there just swimming around with no idea what's out here is so comforting to me and of course, I take her with me everywhere.

My sweet girl and one her friends (what do 3 year olds say to each other?)

Anyway, so how do young-ish moms (and dads..I suppose) who work and therefore leave their children for the whole or part of the day feel about the type of care the kids get and the effects of the experiences your children have outside your protection. Yes, she's only 3 1/2 but she expresses herself quite well and when we discuss her day, there are things she tells me that make me proud and there are things that make me want to just quit and take care her myself..I will warn you this is the 'mush' part of me speaking now so you may not think this is as critical as I did last night..but my sweet girl has been drinking a larger juice box this week (Yes..its THAT dramatic!) and has had two accidents during nap time at school this week, so I asked her about this before bed and she said she felt embarrassed because Michael C. (yep I'm calling him out!) was laughing at her while she was changing! Immediately my mind starts racing.."why was Michael C. in the bathroom while you were changing?.."Why wasn't your teacher helping you?"..."Did she stop Michael C. from harassing you?"...I bombarded this little girl with questions hoping something she says would make me feel better about this. I'm not sure if she felt as bad as I did, and if my line of questioning might have recast another light on the experience for her. 

I dont think, its okay for little kids (boys and girls) to change that wrong? I don't appreciate the teacher telling my daughter that she doesn't need help changing because she's a "big girl"..and I certainly have no appreciation for Michael C. making fun of my baby because she had an accident ( I got my eye on you little boy!) So am I overreacting? Should I say something to the teacher or is this just par for the course?

I've heard people's feeling on this kind of attachment parenting or overprotection of your children, that it results in 'spoiled and bratty', 'undisciplined', 'disobedient' and even overly independent children but I tend to think that theres enough they have to deal with so early on that my role as a mother needs to cushion some of those realities for as long as I can. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Walkway Over The Hudson

It was beautiful this weekend and after the cold winter (even as mild as it was here in NYC) everyone looks forward to longer days and warmer weather. We didn't set or break any records temperature-wise but I thought we had the perfect weather, flowers are starting to sprout..birds and bugs are out and the combination of some sun and nice breezes can be really uplifting to anyones spirits. So instead of sitting home we went for a long walk..across the Hudson River. Hope you had a great weekend.

A. Mid Hudson bridge (viewed from Walkway over Hudson)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Traditions

So Easter is just around the corner and as much as I like to think I'm someone sentimental, I can also be sort of a procrastinator, I say "I have good intentions in the morning but after the day gets going I lose my energy". So this morning, my sweet girl and I were getting ready to run some errands when the Today show hosts did one their many cooking segments, this one was with Daniel Baloud cooking up a roast leg of lamb and spring vegetable fricassee! So she says to me "mommy, if you could make that, I would eat it"..this immediately caught my attention because finding things she will eat is a daily quest for me. Then she says "mommy they said their making it for Easter, is it Easter yet?" I respond, "Easter is this weekend..", she says "So what do we do for Easter, do we decorate or eat candy or have a party..?" Anyway, I realized once again that just like at Christmas, I haven't gotten her a nice dress or really planned anything for the day which is fine but when you think about it, these are the things that children remember and cherish. As one has children and creates a family, you also must consider the special moments or traditions which inevitably shape the way the see the world...even its through colored hard boiled eggs!

Last year she was 21/2 and we did some dyeing but that was it, luckily, my sister (who has two daughters, 5 and 8 respectively) invited us over to a friends house who was having an Easter egg hunt for the kids and I was astounded at how much fun my girl had looking for little plastic eggs partially because there were other little ones running around and also because she hadn't really ever been exposed to this before i suppose. This Sunday, I hope to plan a little hunt with our neighbors little girls maybe but if not I'll have to make up for it somehow. I remember being younger and really looking forward to the days where we had cousins over for some occasion and it was an all day funday..

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day Off

Theres nothing better than a day off in the middle of the week when I know everyone else is at work and I purposefully make an effort to loosely make plans to accomplish something that day but feel fine if I don't get it all done. Today is one of those days, Thursday..odd right? Who gets Thursday off anyway? I do! Although I have a lot that I can be doing, I have chosen to let my day be guided by whatever my little girl wants to do. This includes, watching mickey mouse, eating breakfast at least three time, building legos, nap time and later making rice crispy treats. How can I object to any of this considering that every other day consists of me rushing her through breakfast while getting dressed, rushing to pack her lunch and mine, rushing to get her to preschool, rushing to get to work and basically not getting home until after 7pm only to rush to make dinner, eat and get ready for bath and bed. I am also at the stage where I can't get enough sleep and crave sweet snacks (combination of trying to sleep with a watermelon sized belly and congestion from an early allergy season I suppose) so I am open to anything involving these two things.
I had a thought while we sat on the floor building our lego towers, what will I do when theres a newborn to look after as well? Both the normal weekdays schedule and my 'day off non schedule' will be affected right? I don't want to have to miss out on bonding with her but certainly the demands of a newborn cant be taken for granted either. I will strive to make it work. But for now (the next 3 months), Thursdays belong to me and my little buddy, and as it gets warmer, we'll hopefully get outside and play.
A. Playing in her room

B. In her room

C. Pretending to sleep with Dora

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Portrait of a Mother

The last three years have resulted in some quite fascinating changes for me; certainly it didn't seem so at the time but any opportunity I get to look back over the last three years and envision where I was (physically, emotionally, professionally etc.) and where I am now in almost every aspect of my life-what I thought my life was or should have been, I marvel at the many differences. Some of these changes have been carefully planned and highly anticipated, like the decision to become a mother and some have been somewhat uncontrollable and unanticipated, like giving birth to a baby girl. I had always imagined being a mother to boys so I never ever mentally prepared for a daughter, in fact it never occurred to me to think about what it might entail. Don't get me wrong, having a child whether a boy or girl  and at any age, can have a profound effect on any woman's life but for me personally, facing the prospect of mothering a little girl presented a different kind of challenge. The reasons for this are still somewhat elusive in my mind even after 3.5 years.
I am now having to revisit those feelings, I am 26 weeks along with another baby and its a girl so I am again questioning my ability to raise girls without a clear understanding of why I feel so intensely nervous by this. I myself was raised with 5 sisters, I have friends and family raising two or more girls and have recently read about the intensity by which the lack of an opportunity to have a daughter affects some women's lives.
A. me with my daughter
My daughter has changed my life, she is my best friend (under 3' tall), I have transformed myself and my life without even realizing it to accommodate her, to be with her, to protect her. She has reached back into the depths of my life and reshuffled everything I 'knew' my life would be, what I thought was my passion, how I defined my life and its value. Any mother will tell you how amazing their kids are, it comes with the territory like a girl scout badge everyone gets once they have conquered the nine or ten months of pregnancy and experienced bringing a human being into the world. I have nothing to compare the effect of motherhood to, except the intensity and hurt brought on by the sudden loss of my father, which effects have persisted beyond my own comprehension..but thats another story for another day.
B. my daughter
I recently decided that one possible reason why unexpected and/or dramatic change has such a polarizing effect on me, has to do with the fact that I have always relied heavily on making anf following very detailed lists...sounds inconsequential right, maybe, but when 'The List' becomes almost like a map or script for your life, something to rely on as if it would come true as it was written, there wasn't any room for improvisation. I don't do improv very well, I don't like impromptu, I follow plans..regularly..without realizing it, I had invested time into planning many years of my life on paper,  trained myself to rely on whatever the list said was going to happen or what I would achieve as my reality, so when life didn't go the way it was written (by me obviously..which is why it unravels) or even worse, something that hadn't even crossed my mind was devastating to me. 'The List' allowed me the comfort to confront life with the confidence that  I (thought) needed. And then she came....

She has taught me to see life differently, value myself more, be willing to laugh and love. Its taken me still a few years to release a bit and become vulnerable to life's changes, I still write lists but they are more trivial, like what to buy from Target (so I don't get sucked into the abyss that is Target) or things I need to do on Saturday etc. but never anything beyond a few weeks. So I guess, baby steps may seem small but sometimes thats all one needs to really effect change.