Friday, June 8, 2012

#24: Black and White

I love black and white, I love the contrast, the simplicity, the clarity of it all. As a concept though, one can really get in a negative cycle if only allowing oneself to see things in black and white. Guilty! I have always been harsh about the way I confront things, as extremes only, any one situation can only be bad' or 'good' so its fitting today that the little one and I did some black and white painting together. (After a depressing doctors visit!). The original intent was to 1. give her something to do with herself and 2. to allow her make something she can say she made for her baby sisters room. 

So I had seen this project on another blog months ago and thought its pretty cool because basically newborns have a propensity towards colours with high contrast so can distinguish between black and white better than other colour combinations and this was easy to make because if you restrict a little girl to one color, the actual figure she's creating becomes more apparent to her and she's more conscious of her creation.

Once these dry I will hang them near the baby's changing table so she has something to capture her attention while I apply a cold wipe to her butt..(Btw are we the only ones who just couldn't imagine applying a cold wipe on the first baby's bottom but now see the ridiculousness of a wipe warmer..)

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